Well, we got the Airline tickets, but now it is time to decide on the Hotel. There are soooo many choices, areas (not to mention prices) and %26quot;hotel ratings%26quot;, that we are really concerned we%26#39;ll make %26quot;le grand mistake%26quot; and ruin the trip!!!!!
I don%26#39;t want to leave my wallet in Paris, but my wife is somewhat picky about Hotel accommodations. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
YES...provide more information. What are your personal preferences, priorities special needs and most of all BUDGET range per night for a hotel?? You%26#39;ll get more meaningful and better directed responses. Otherwise, scroll back through the past couple of weeks of past posts and you will find dozens of specific recommendations with direct links to the hotels recommended as well as past-guest reviews/comments from the HOTELS section of this web site.
Ok, please provide the following information:
1) How long will you be in Paris?
2) Location - Is there area that interesets you in particular? (Have a read about the arrondissements and the characteristics and feel of each one)... there are previous posts on the board with good explanations of the areas.
3) What is your budget? This is an important one...
From there that will narrow things down and then there will be more questions :P
Thanks for your quick responses. We are going for our 25th, and plan to stay 6 nights. I wanted not to spend more than 200 to 250 euros/night. I like the Hotel Concorde Saint. Lazare, but I%26#39;m concerned that the standard room I can afford will be too small, and perhaps we can find a better Hotel for the same price.
Trust me, I%26#39;ve been looking and have narrowed down a few:
Ambassador Opera, De Castiglione Hotel, Astor Saint Honore, Chateau Frontenac and Hotel Left Bank Saint German.
As you can see, I want to be where the %26quot;action is%26quot;and it seems it is all over Paris.
Any suggestions?
These are my list of favorites in Paris at this point.
Hotel Britannique
Residence Foch Hotel
Hotel Banville
Another vote for Hotel Britannique ...the website is not exactly what it is said before, it is http://www.hotel-britannique.com and not www.hotel-britannic.com..
It is a really well-located hotel and one the most well-decorated too....Have you looked at it?The decoration is really wonderful, a typical French and romantic decoration...
The Hotel Left Bank Saint Germain that you mentionned is also a good choice but a little bit more expensive....(http://www.leftbankstgermain.com)!
Have a good trip!
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