Where have you had the best steak-frites in the city? I%26#39;m staying in the 6th, anywhere near there?
I don%26#39;t know about steak-frites but if you want to have a fun, very Parisian, and very inexpensive meal, check out Chartiers.
chartiers do they have a website? Where is it located?
try L%26#39;Entrecote de Paris, at 29 r. de Marignan just off the Champs Elysees near Franklin Roosevelt metro. Steak is yummy with a very good seasoned buttery sauce. Frites are great. Pre-fix of salad, steak and frites for about 21E. This includes as much sauces and frites as you can eat.
The Relais de l%26#39;Entrecote in St Germains des Pres (behind the Cafe de Flore) has nothing but steak frites, in fact there are no menus and waitresses ask how you%26#39;d like it cooked instead of offering to take your order. The tradition ends with dessert, when a pretty extensive seasonal menu is provided.
Relais l%26#39;entrecote is OK, I think, but a bit of a commercialized factory. My favorite in town is at Chez Georges in the 2nd, a true Parisien bistro experience. If you want a further review, check it out on Patricia Wells%26#39;s website. She essentially reviews it every year, as it is one of her favorites as well.
Does anyone know how I%26#39;d say In French that I wanted my steak well done?
Bien Cuit
Sorry, hit the post on accident. Bien Cuit is french for well done. It is pronounced be-in kwee.
Le Relais is a large place, but the steaks are aged to perfection, which is a rarity here and they are the tenderest I have ever had. We don%26#39;t go there for the charm, we go when we are in the mood for excellent steaks, good fries and mouth watering desserts served without fuss and without any risk of it being a two hour meal.
How do you say %26quot;medium rare%26quot; and is it true the French standard is much more rare than American? If so, how do you say %26quot;medium%26quot;?
Thank you!
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