Saturday, March 24, 2012

Rainy Day in Paris

Bonjour! Leaving for Paris in a couple of days for a long weekend. I notice (not via a crystal ball!) that the weather is supposed to be rainy Fri/Sat/Sun. Oh well, it%26#39;s still Paris. I%26#39;ve been there a couple times before and will spend some time in the Louvre but I was looking for other suggestions (besides museums, most of which I have seen) for indoor activities in Paris that might be fun or interesting to see or do. My wife and I are mid-forties, have lived in Europe (Spain) as teenagers, enjoy foreign cultures, sights/sounds (even the smells!) to give you an idea of who we are. Would appreciate some ideas or hear about your favorite Paris indoor haunts. Merci.


Sit in a cafe and watch the world go by

Hang out in the sculpture galleries of the Louvre

How about visiting the some of the historic Passages

Take a day trip to Reims

Walk in the rain along the quais of the Seine

Tour the sewer system at musee des egouts

When all else fails, shop


Why not doing something unusual : go to one of the FNAC shops, to the shows tickets booth, ask the salesperson to select for you a show (concert, rock night, dance or theater or whatever you like, most of these guys speaks english a little) and go there for the evening ? This way you will spend some times that otherwise you%26#39;d never do..

You can have the FNAC shops list and a selection of shows actually in Paris on (in French unfortunatly)


Thanks G2G and Denys...good suggestions. My wife especially agrees with the %26quot;when all else fails, shop!%26quot;. Glass of red wine and watch the world pass by sounds inviting too.


We went to Paris for our honeymoon 10 years ago in April and it rained everyday. One time we had to go back to the hotel so I could change my boots that were soaked(what can I say, I %26#39;m from sunny California). We are going back this April for a anniversary and we are prepared for the rain (we live in the NW now) and it rains here almost everyday.

My most fun times were walking around the city with a umbrella and seeing everything and sitting in a cafe eating and watching the people. Have fun.

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