Thursday, March 29, 2012

Getting to Mont St. Michel from Paris

Is Parisvisions the only way to travel to Mont St Michel if you dont%26#39; have a car? Does anyone know how difficult it would be to take the train on your own? thanks.


There is no direct rail link between Paris and Mont Saint Michel. There are TGV trains as far as RENNES (approx; 2 hrs) and then regional bus service from Rennes station to Mont Saint Michel (approx 90 mns). The total travel time by train and bus is approx 4 hours. So this really isn%26#39;t a day-trip from Paris. Even then I%26#39;m not even sure if the trains schedule would even make it practical as a day-trip (last train back to Paris leaves at approx 3 PM). But as an overnight or for a day or two you could certainly make it work via train on your own.


The Lonely Planet recommends taking the trian all the way to Pontorson and then catching the bus to Mont St Michel from there, 4-9 daily, depending on the day. But it may actually be most cost efficient to rent a car. can helpyou figure out the train transportation costs, etc... It%26#39;s in French, but you should be able tofigure it out fairly easily.


thanks..I checked the SNFC site and it does look like a day trip wouldn%26#39;t work that way so maybe Parisvisions is the way to go. Has anyone been to Mont St. Michel? I am wondering if it looks as impressive as the pictures I%26#39;ve seen.


It is more impressive than any photo can show. If you can swing an overnight trip, it is truly magical to sleep on the island in one of the medieval bldgs. and then to wake up the next morning, enjoying the island before the hordes of tourists arrive. It also gives you the time to appreciate the incredible tides and an incredible omelette at the Mere Poulard.


The Mont is just awesome.....It is unique and one of a kind. No photo could do it justice. It would go well if it were off one of the islands of Venice, I think.

Not only is it an old, wonderful, religious setting but also an interesting, living town with back alleys, narrow rues, old cemeteries, little parks here and there, with all the alluring and sometimes interesting things that tourist enloy. There are breathtaking views, some nice restaurants, cafes, bistros, places for a picnic, old hotels even private living quarters.

It%26#39;s good advice to stay overnight on the Mont, but if you can not, do try to get there early in the day or visit it in the evening. It can get really crowded.....jammed. There are some modern type motels just before the causeway over which look fairly nice and some B%26amp;B type farmhouses on the mainland too. And wear your comfortable walking shoes its all hills.

You will love it!


I have taken ParisVision from Paris to Mont St. Michel.

It%26#39;s a long day but certainly worth it.

You might want to climb directly to the top (passing all the shops)

and work your way down (avoiding a lot of the crowds).

The views in 3 directions are fantastic (the other direction

is the car/bus parking).

I would suggest a good book or pamphlet to study before

you get there to be generally familiar with Mont. St. Michel

(some areas are dark and the signage is not the greatest)

Enjoy your adventure, I sure it will be meaningful.


Great advice, thanks! After reading these responses, this has to be my Paris day trip. Hoping to fit in one more to in another direction from Paris.


Try Reims for the cathedral and some champagne tasting!

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