Thursday, April 19, 2012

visit to Chartres

Any suggestions on a day trip to Chartres? We are tentatively

planning a day trip from Paris on Feb 22 and will either take the train or the Gray Line tour. Also-is a trip to Fontainebleau worthwhile in February? I know that one of the main attractions will hardly be a their %26quot;peak%26quot; in the winter. I am interested in seeing the palace. Thanks in advance.


Chartres is a one hour train ride from Paris. The cathedral and the town are easily accessible from the station, so there is no reason that you would need to take the Gray Line tour, unless you prefer group travel or would like a guide.

As for Fountainbleau, it is a pictoresque village and in addition to the palace there is a lovely forest that you can visit. As for it all being at its peak, I am not sure what you are refering to, but it will be a great time to visit, as you will be avoiding the hordes of tourists.


Woops---by main attractions not being at there peak--- I meant the gardens and natural enviroment. Thanks for the response.


CHARTRES is one of the easiest DIY daytrips from Paris. It%26#39;s as simple as taking the SNCF train from PARIS--Gare Montparnasse to CHARTRES (direct train 70 mins) Then a short stroll (8-10 mins) up the hill from the station to the Cathedral. There is a Tourist Information office located just to the left of the cathedral which has an excellent, self-guided walking tour. I%26#39;m not sure whether he will be in Chartres in February, but there is an English gentleman, Malcolm Miller, who gives tours of the Cathedral whic MUST NOT BE MISSED (at 12:00 and 14:45 PM , if he is in town). For an absolutely wonderful spot for luncheon, trt Le MOULIN de PONCEAU, an old, converted mill, down along the banks of the old Eure River, surriunded by fully restored 13th/14th/15th century homes and buildings. For more Chartres information:


Thanks KDKSAIL and GOOD2GO. I have gleaned so much information from your many posts! KDKSAIL--I do have Malcom Millers book on Chartres, but was not sure if he still gave tours. I located his phone number and will give him a call when I get in.

Thanks again.


%26lt;%26lt;Also-is a trip to Fontainebleau worthwhile in February?%26gt;%26gt; --Yes by my opinion! We were there in Dec and its a very beautiful town. Chateau is quite large and gardens are very extensive. The chateau has a lot of original furnishings in it (as opposed to Versailles which is quite bare). No need to take a Grey Line tour--You can get a 40 min train from Gare d%26#39;Lyon much cheaper plus you will be able to walk around the town on your own. You can buy a combo ticket at Gare d/Lyon for the train to Avon-Fontainebleu, the bus to chateau and the entrance to chateau. The two villages of Avon and Fontainebleau are joined. The train stops at Avon and there is a bus waiting that goes thru the town for the approx 2 mile ride to the chateau. buses between station and chateau are about every 15 minutes. The town with its restaurants and shops is very interesting and worth a walk thru. The town is small so itseasy to find your way around on your own. There is a visitors office just outside the chateau.


%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;I do have Malcom Millers book on Chartres, but was not sure if he still gave tours. I located his phone number and will give him a call when I get in.%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;

Perhaps this information will help:

Guided lectures in English with Malcolm Miller

12 noon and 2. 45 p.m. (not on Sundays)

Minimum : 12 participants.

Meet in the cathedral at the gift-shop.

Private visits on request :

Malcolm Miller

26, Rue des Ecuyers


Tel : 02 37 28 15 58 (+ 33 2 37 28 15 58)

Fax : 02 37 28 33 03 (+ 33 2 37 28 33 03)

Email :

During the winter months, Mr. Miller gives guest lectures on Chartres, all over the world (sorry nothing on his schedule for the US this winter) so he MAY be traveling in February. But perhaps to assist with your planning, you should e-mail him directly. On the occasions when I%26#39;ve contacted him via e-mail, he has responded within 48 hours (usually less).


I e-mailed Malcolm Miller. He does not schedule group tours in January and February. He will, however give private tours @ 125 euros per hour. I will be in Paris Feb 18-24 and if anyone would like to be part of a group for a tour by Mr. Miller, let me know and I will make the arrangements.



I%26#39;d be interested in a Chartres tour. Could I suggest that you start a seperate post to see if we could get an entire group organized. Sierre Madre may be interested, as well.


I would be interested on sharing a tour on Feb 22(tuesday). If anyone else wants to share the expense and fun---please advise!


Or that following Saturday.

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